case study

Taking a Complex,
Platform to Market

SnapAttack Home


  • Messaging Architecture
  • Market Research + Customer Interviews
  • Visual Brand Refresh
  • SEO Strategy
  • Website Design
  • Go-to-Market Materials
  • Social Media


  • Messaging Architecture
  • Market Research + Customer Interviews
  • Visual Brand Refresh
  • SEO Strategy
  • Website Design
  • Go-to-Market Materials
  • Social Media

The challenge

A New Kind of Platform

Paul Caiazzo, Chief Growth Officer at SnapAttack, engaged ModusMark to translate SnapAttack’s intricate offering into a clear, succinct story. He needed the story to be accessible to decision-makers (CISOs) yet appealing to highly-technical users (Analysts and Threat Hunters). 

To add to the challenge, SnapAttack needed to activate its new messaging before RSA, a major industry conference that was less than three months away. This gave ModusMark a short window to establish and translate SnapAttack’s story through a visual brand refresh, a new website build, and sales materials.

Key Challenges

Key Challenges


Simplify the complex labyrinth of technical features into a simple story.


Craft messaging that was accessible to both c-suite decision makers and highly-technical users.


Bring updated messaging strategy to life in the form of a revamped visual brand and website.

“It’s difficult to articulate what SnapAttack does. Before ModusMark, nobody had really been able to eloquently explain what we could do to non-developers.”



Chief Growth Officer


Moving from
Featured-Focused to

Where SnapAttack’s old website focused on “the what” via highly technical, feature-focused descriptions, the new site would focus on the story – “the why” and “the how.” This would not only explain what SnapAttack does to its audience, but also help them picture how SnapAttack solves problems they face on a daily basis.

To do this, ModusMark leveraged proven frameworks that tapped into the operating reality and key challenges of SnapAttack’s audience. This allowed them to identify the most resonant messages and craft a clear, compelling story.


Understand the market context.

ModusMark began with a deep dive into the heart of SnapAttack by conducting market research, customer interviews, competitor analysis, and internal interviews with key leaders.


Conduct a customized workshop.

Using their research, ModusMark built a custom messaging development workshop where sales, marketing, and customer delivery shared insights that started to reveal SnapAttack's story.


Build the Brand Operating System.

After identifying emerging themes and key messages, ModusMark worked closely with SnapAttack to gut-check their findings. Together, they created internal alignment for SnapAttack's team behind a unified, compelling story that positioned its customer as the hero and its brand as the guide.


Activate the story.

After extracting and shaping SnapAttack's brand story, it was time to bring it to life. This meant refreshing SnapAttack’s visual identity and building a brand-new website.

THE Strategy

Moving from Featured-Focused to Outcome-Focused Messaging

Where SnapAttack’s old website focused on “the what” via highly technical, feature-focused descriptions, the new site would focus on the story – “the why” and “the how.” This would not only explain what SnapAttack does to its audience, but also help them picture how SnapAttack solves problems they face on a daily basis.

To do this, ModusMark leveraged proven frameworks that tapped into the operating reality and key challenges of SnapAttack’s audience. This allowed them to identify the most resonant messages and craft a clear, compelling story.


Understand the market context.

ModusMark began with a deep dive into the heart of SnapAttack by conducting market research, customer interviews, competitor analysis, and internal interviews with key leaders.


Conduct a customized workshop.

Using their research, ModusMark built a custom messaging development workshop where sales, marketing, and customer delivery shared insights that started to reveal SnapAttack's story.


Build the Brand Operating System.

After identifying emerging themes and key messages, ModusMark worked closely with SnapAttack to gut-check their findings. Together, they created internal alignment for SnapAttack's team behind a unified, compelling story that positioned its customer as the hero and its brand as the guide.


Activate the Story

After extracting and shaping SnapAttack's brand story, it was time to bring it to life. This meant refreshing SnapAttack’s visual identity and building a brand-new website.

THE Strategy

Moving from Featured-Focused to Outcome-Focused Messaging

Where SnapAttack’s old website focused on “the what” via highly technical, feature-focused descriptions, the new site would focus on the story – “the why” and “the how.” This would not only explain what SnapAttack does to its audience, but also help them picture how SnapAttack solves problems they face on a daily basis.

To do this, ModusMark leveraged proven frameworks that tapped into the operating reality and key challenges of SnapAttack’s audience. This allowed them to identify the most resonant messages and craft a clear, compelling story.


Understand the market context.

ModusMark began with a deep dive into the heart of SnapAttack by conducting market research, customer interviews, competitor analysis, and internal interviews with key leaders.


Conduct a customized workshop.

Using their research, ModusMark built a custom messaging development workshop where sales, marketing, and customer delivery shared insights that started to reveal SnapAttack's story.


Build the Brand Operating System.

After identifying emerging themes and key messages, ModusMark worked closely with SnapAttack to gut-check their findings. Together, they created internal alignment for SnapAttack's team behind a unified, compelling story that positioned its customer as the hero and its brand as the guide.


Activate the Story

After extracting and shaping SnapAttack's brand story, it was time to bring it to life. This meant refreshing SnapAttack’s visual identity and building a brand-new website.

THE Impact

Growing Brand Visibility

While the new website gained traction quickly, the biggest win was helping SnapAttack unearth its story and enabling its team to make the case that SnapAttack’s platform isn’t a “nice-to-have”–  it’s a “must-have”.

Timeframe: 1 Year Post Website Launch

increase in website visits
increase in leads generated from website
increase in organic search traffic

“Without ModusMark, SnapAttack would not have found its voice. Today, we're able to meet customers where they’re at, in a way that matters, and solve problems for the broad market we serve.”

Paul Caiazzo

Chief Growth Officer, SnapAttack

recent work example

The Messaging in Action

SnapAttack's horizontal workflow makes it a versatile product; one that can be used in several different ways by different teams, all across an organization. When SnapAttack first went to market, their internal teams had a clear vision for how the platform would be used...but ask any startup leader and they’ll tell you: The team’s view of the product is rarely the same as that of the customer.

ModusMark identified the platform's four primary use cases and adapted the messaging strategy across them, creating a directed, tailored experience for SnapAttack's many users. Segmenting these key use cases made the website easier to navigate and clarified specific outcomes for SnapAttack’s many different users.

recent work example

The Messaging in Action

SnapAttack's horizontal workflow makes it a versatile product; one that can be used in several different ways by different teams, all across an organization. When SnapAttack first went to market, their internal teams had a clear vision for how the platform would be used...but ask any startup leader and they’ll tell you: The team’s view of the product is rarely the same as that of the customer.

ModusMark identified the platform's four primary use cases and adapted the messaging strategy across them, creating a directed, tailored experience for SnapAttack's many users. Segmenting these key use cases made the website easier to navigate and clarified specific outcomes for SnapAttack’s many different users.

Update on The Impact

Current Day Brand Growth

Timeframe: 2 Years Post Website Launch

close rate


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“What is this?” to, “I want this.”